

These precede the core chapters that take the reader through the statistical gymnastics used to construct the twin peaks.

But, his determination to offer a reader-friendly text compounds the dilemma for 'outsiders' to the political and ideological gymnastics of the youth service(s).

We have, of course, lost the profession of remedial gymnastics, which merged with the main physiotherapy profession in the late 1970s.

For instance, in gymnastics, despite the high velocity reached, performing a somersault was found to rely primarily on visual information.

The previous text is also linked to the following two messages, describing injuries in cowboy polo and in gymnastics.

The girls also were given singing lessons and gymnastics three times a week and were encouraged to perform little plays.

Fencing, dancing, and gymnastics could improve the children's coordination.

The natural, well-trained body exhibited in new daring costumes and new social forms of group gymnastics under strong leadership became a popular idiom.

Furthermore, the tennis text is connected to the polo text and to the gymnastics text, as they all have in common injuries occurring while practicing sports.

Physical exercise and gymnastics were practiced.

Given that the school gym had been used as temporary accommodation for some visitor cases, the questionnaire also gathered information about participation in the class of gymnastics.

The gramophone could stand in lieu of the school orchestra at assemblies or the organ during religious observances, and provide the musical accompaniment for gymnastics and marches.

These gymnastics, however, usually take place before or after elections, but in this case the change of mind has been a very beneficent one.

In many ways, it was a meretricious performance, but it was a gifted one in terms of verbal gymnastics.

I do not share his view about the "avaricious financial gymnastics" of the companies.

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